Tailored Insurance Solutions For Business Needs

Whether you’re starting out or looking for ways to grow your business, business owner insurance can help you protect yourself, your partners and employees and your family. n the early stages of your business, we can help you create a plan to keep your business running and your cash flow consistent. This way, you can remain on track even if you lose a key member of your team. Or if you suddenly need cash for a buy-sell agreement if a partner passes away

Our Approach

We take the time to understand your specific business situation and find the right coverage to safeguard your success. As your business moves through survival, growth and maturity stages, our planning focus will shift, as will the conversations you have with your advisors

What it means for You?

When it's time to tap into assets to help pay for your retirement, or wrap up your business or pass it down, our estate planning professionals can help you plan for a tax-efficient transfer. We also protect your employees with affordable Group Benefits plans

Business Owned Life Insurance

Create a Business Protection Plan

Business Owned Critical Illness Insurance

Employee Group Benefits

Critical illness insurance helps ease the financial impact if you or a key person in your business becomes seriously ill with a covered condition. It gives you a one-time payment letting you focus on recovery instead of worrying about paying bills. It can be enhanced with a return-of-premium option so you get some or all of your money back if you don’t make a claim before the coverage ends. That means you can put the money back into your business

What happens if a business partner dies? The benefit from a life insurance policy can help you continue business operations as it provide money to surviving partners to complete a buy-sell agreement., allowing them to buy out the share of a partner who deceased. Business owners use permanent life insurance as part of a corporate investment or retirement strategy. It can be a tax-efficient way to help transfer assets out of the business

Show your employees you care about them while attracting top-tier talent, reducing your turnover rate, and boosting business productivity by purchasing Group Benefits. Business owners can deduct healthcare costs for themselves and employees as business expenses, and also provide coverage for medical expenses with or without monthly premium options

When you’re unable to work because of an illness or injury, your income stops – but your bills don’t. Disability insurance can help you cover your bills in the short and long term so that you can focus on managing your health and condition. It gives you regular, income-style payments and can also help protect your employees. You can buy it for yourself or as part of a group plan for your employees

Business Owned Disability Insurance

Need Financial Advice?

When working alongside financial professionals with a long history of service in Canada, you can rest assured that your plan is working to meet your financial goals

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